Who is Jessi J.? Born in January of 1982, I am the middle child of five siblings. My father is a Vietnam Vet and when I was seven, he moved our family from Upstate New York to Ventura, California. He became a long haul trucker, thus was out of town most of the time. Tending to the children on her own, my mother did not adapt well to the challenge. I saw her eat as a vice for her frustration and fed the kids the same. By the age of 12, most of my family would be considered morbidly obese, but I found the strength within to resist temptation. With only one source of income, the luxury of playing organized sports was not an option. Instead, I taught myself gymnastic tricks and rollerblading. At one point, I aspired to be the next Olympian ice-skater, but that focus soon shifted when I was diagnosed with Scoliosis at the age of 15.
To correct the S-Shaped Curve of my spine, I went into a lengthy surgery that had me learning how to walk all over again. Some twenty years later, this current X-ray reveals a wiggle, yet much straighter spine, however my rods are broken, which was likely caused from my pregnancies.
In 2001, I had an emergency C-Section. My daughter Alyssa was born 9 pounds 6 ounces and twenty-five months later, my son Ayden was introduced to this world. After the realization of being a professional athlete was out of the equation, I turned my focus to business.
Destiny Awaits - Rediscovering the passions of an active lifestyle, I took my certifications to become a personal trainer! My training diversified between a manifold of atmospheres, including the military. I completed half-marathons and competed in a variety of other events. I finally found my way to Anytime Fitness where the Jessi J. H.I.I.T. Camp began!
I volunteer and speak out about the products & lifestyles that I practice. I am a firm believer in eating naturally, especially greens, and mostly stay away from processed foods. Albeit, I do have a Ding-Dong and other Fit to Fat foods from time to time. Moderation = Privilege. At age 36, I feel stronger and more fit than I ever have before. I carry this positive energy everywhere I go, especially when training H.I.I.T. As a happily married woman, I have everything to be thankful for. I'm dedicating 2018 to HIIT America! This is your casting call for Jessi J's HIIT CITY TOUR!